There is a lot of misconception out there about being a man. Especially in this day and age where men are quite honestly getting the short end of the stick. From the dawn of time, society has always looked to men to do the work. To hunt. To lift. Needless to say a lot has changed over the centuries.

So in this modern world, what is expected of men? There are many qualities that we can benefit from by integrating certain values with our behaviour of today. As “manly” as it may seem to down a dozen beers while throwing tomahawks and fixing cars, more is required from us if we truly want to stand out amongst our peers (not to mention catch the eye of a fair lady or two).

“Great Men Are Built On Great Values”

While it isn’t an absolute necessity to harness all these values for yourself (especially if you find that they don’t resonate with you), you may find it beneficial to start off with a few and gradually work your way with more. God knows developing such core values isn’t easy, but they are essential if you want to be build the character of a great man.


I absolutely have to put this first. “Manners maketh man”. Never forget that. Always be mindful of your manners. There are enough jerks in the world. It’s up to you and me to create the kind, well-mannered gentlemen of tomorrow because manners NEVER go out of style. Be courteous, say please and thank you, open doors for people etc. etc. There are so many simple things you can do which take almost no real effort that will make a night and day difference to how people perceive and interact with you. When you master the relatively simple art of manners, you will find that you are immediately more likable and will find it much easier to build relationships. If you’re looking for some place to start, start here.

Manners Maketh Man


Confidence is one of those things that’s just immediately noticeable. It exudes around you like an attractive perfume. Those with confidence just command the attention – and dare I say respect – of others in the room, from the way you walk, talk and even sit (yes, you can even sit confidently). Benefits of confidence include garnering the attention of fellow men in a way that is illustrative of leadership-like qualities and is a trait immediately noticeable to the ladies.

A confident man is a capable man


I find the characteristic of discipline to be an essential one for any man who wants to better himself, be it in terms of health, career or anything really. The ability to be disciplined is imperative in creating beneficial habits to better one’s life. You want to be healthy? You need the discipline to exercise regularly. You want to be better at work? You need the discipline to work harder and longer to get to the top. You want to be even more successful and start your own business? You need the discipline to take action and work on it consistently. Need I say more?

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments

Jim Rohn


Do you want to be successful in life? Well, just the fact that you’re on this website, reading this article on being better means you’re already practically ambitious. So hats off to you. Now we just need to make it an actionable reality. You don’t strictly need to have plans to run the United Nations or start the next trillion dollar company, but every man needs to be at least a bit ambitious. Having ambition sets the path for achieving success in whatever shape or form. An ambitious man is (more often that not) a hardworking man, which is what makes this a respectable and attractive value that one must possess.

A man’s worth is no greater than his ambitions

Marcus Aurelius

Courage / Bravery

This one’s a little tricky. Courage is not the easiest thing to develop, I understand that, but it is something all men should strive for. Whether it’s building up the courage to ask someone out; or demand that pay raise; or fight that intruder who’s just broke into your house, as men, we are expected to be the ones to stand up and fight (literally and figuratively). Courage can be tremendously rewarding. Be it courage in times of fear or courage in times of pressure, a courageous man will always come out on top.

Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you

Bethany Hamilton


I believe resilience is an essential quality that all men must have. The world we live in is never all sunshine and roses. Everybody goes through difficult times. The ability to be resilient helps us men overcome all the barriers and setbacks that try to pounce on us. The good news I have for you gentlemen is that resilience can often come as a nice little bonus with discipline. If you develop the discipline to continuously work on yourself and your goals, you’ll automatically become more determined and thus resilient to accomplish what you set out to do. Just keep at it. Difficulties come in all shapes and sizes. It’s normal. At the end of the day, you’re a man above all. Nothing stands in your way in the pursuit of manliness….or just you know, hunting the globe for someone to compare bicep sizes with.

Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again

Nelson Mandela

Honesty / Integrity

One of the most sincere and genuine characteristics a man can have is honesty. Regardless of what qualities you currently possess, if you’re an honest man, that’ll almost immediately garner the respect of everyone who knows you for it . Heck, even if someone doesn’t know you well personally, if word goes around that you’re an honest guy, that will already put you at an advantage and make people approach you more respectfully. The value of integrity is perhaps the most purest on this list. A man of integrity is one who possesses and upholds strong moral principles. This is what this article is all about. Developing and sticking with great values that make you a cut above the rest.

Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching

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